Marina Bay Sands is quite the epitome of luxury and fun (:
For just one day that is..
Without much entertainment available, MBS is good to tour around for a few hours..
Had gone with bb, his mum, bro and bro's gf on sat cuz his uncle had a free room!
How lucky, aren't we! =D
Got to view the casino from a level up (at this hidden place which not many ppl know yet)
It was pretty awesome I must say!
Totally look like the scene we'd catch on HK dramas about how casinos look like.
Then we went up to the sky garden as well,
where there's this rooftop swimming pool.
More of the pool later, here're the pics I took from the 55th floor sky garden (:

oh! While we were happily walking around, this guy came up to us..
He's a magician!
We were all truly entertained by his tricks!
His movements were really fast and he involved all of us in the 15 mins of performance..
There were coin tricks and card tricks..
The best thing is that his sleeves were always rolled up.
Here's Alexander the magician involving bb in his tricks =D
I even got a souvenir where my signature and bb's signature are on the same card =D
So we're now the Queen of Spades. lol!

We are still wondering why are we the lucky ones he approached to perform..
when there are SO many people on the bridge as well..
hahha! It's either we look really easy to bluff, or we're truly lucky (:
I chose to believe the latter.. (:
After the walk, we all went down to our room on the 16th floor..
There were two beds and one sofa bed!
So nice! too bad I didnt take any pics ):
Bb's mum was too tired to swim, and bb's bro + gf didn't feel like swimming..
Actually, me too...
I was whining when bb insisted that I go swim with him.. lol!
But I was glad I went..
The view from the 55th floor was amazing, the weather was superb (twas cloudy),
and the breeze was really good as well!
Totally didnt regret going up for a dip despite all the hassle!
There were many of those daybeds around for pple to suntan as well..
But the wind got a lil too strong after an hour, so we left..
However, it totally didnt feel like we were there for an hour..
Felt like half an hour at most.
lol! Had a quick shower thereafter and we all trooped to Xin Wang for dinner (:
Here's a very flattering photo that bb took of me!

And here's bb!

Thoroughly enjoyed myself the entire day (:
For NDP itself, bb and i decided to stay in instead of fighting the crowds.
So we camped in front of the TV after dinner and kept dancing to the ndp songs. lol!
Well, not really dance, more of like swinging our hands in the air. hahah =D
Kinda glad we didn't go catch the fireworks.
The crowds would have been crazily difficult to get through..
Not really worth it for 10 minutes of fireworks (:
After this almost 4 days worth of rest,
it's back to work againnnnnnnnnnn ):
When the whole of NUS is starting school today,
I had to drag my feet back to the office.
I really miss school ): boo.
And can the long weekend pleaseeee comeeee backkkkk? ):
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