1.5 weeks have whizzed past since my last entry.
At the rate time is speeding, Feb will be gone before I know it. lol.
Feb is an exciting month, I must say.
Always have been, with CNY, Vday, Bdays.
But this year esp so, cuz the new FY is coming..
So there are many changes ongoing work-wise too.
So what's upp in these 2 weeks? :)
Well, there was Hongkai's leaving on Wed for further studies,
but I couldn't take leave to send him off =x
There was the dancesies gathering on Fri,
where it was a crazy night of laughing at Minds Cafe.
I will never forget mao's "ultraman trying to cheat" charade. lol!
There was Alex's 21st Bday celebration on Saturday,
B's Dragonboat gathering on Sunday where B & I took turns to mahjong away the night..
And we won $7! woo! =D
Not bad for me already *ahem
Monday was Vday; we didn't exactly celebrate it.
But he gave me a bouquet of roses he assembled himself :)
His engine gang of friends had went together to an orchard to pick roses,
and they gathered again to assemble their respective bouquets!
How cute is that. lol! :)
Erm, I'm still making his present *don't kill me, b
But well, I had given him the Spa Infinity treat earlier as an advanced vday present!
That was part of his present. lol!
But looks like he forgot about it alr :/
We had a simple Jap dinner at Ishi-Mura after work..
Just earlier in the day, the HDB ppl celebrated 2 interns' birthday at Ichiban Boshi..
So it was like one whole day worth of Jap food for me..
Tuesday, I came home to find the family playing MJ.
Surprise surprise! So I joined in after washing up.
Played 3 whole hours of MJ.. lol!
But it was fun :)
I guess my bro wanted to play, so my parents kind of obliged.
Bro's on block leave till today.
He won the most in the end,
and I was like their Chai Sen Ye who keeps giving out money -_-
Today was supposed to go Danzppl with Jx,
but I wasn't feeling well and she had smth on,
so we decided to postpone dance.
The thing is, my expenditure this month is going to be crazy,
cuz $400 is going to be used for purchasing a pair of earrings Mumsie got for me.
I lost one of the earrings, and the worst is that I don't know where I lost it.
I had left them inside the coin compartment of my wallet,
and hadn't realized that there are 2 openings at each sides of the wallet.
So that's how the earring dropped out I guess. Boo :(
It's the pair I really really like.
And I was lucky enough to have found it in Lee Hwa Jewellery in Vivo branch.
The salesman told me there are only 4 pairs left in Singapore cuz it's an old design.
And I still have to wait for him to transfer it over to the Vivo branch.
Till today, he hasn't called me =x
Maybe I'll drop them a call tmr.
Sigh. $400 is such a heavy price to pay for carelessness.
So with $400 gone, I feel the pinch to pay for dance classes.
But I'm kind of determined to get dancing again after so long,
so I shall not postpone it cuz of money.
Mm. My update on work..
Earlier this month,
I had asked my boss to transfer me out of my dept,
and she has arranged for me a meeting with the Director of the dept I want to go into.
She told me that yday, and I was simply over the moon to hear this news :)
It's rare that a new recruit can get transferred across depts,
and I can only be thankful to be given this chance.
The good thing about being in this current unit is that I can pull strings :)
That's provided if I play my cards right..
Well, the interview is on Friday, so I hope I don't blow my own chances
Around 3 hours after she told me about this news,
People's Association called me and asked me down for an interview this coming wed.
It's a post that I'm quite keen on also..
It's called Senior Programmes Officer (Interest Group),
which I assume to be like proposing new interest groups and executing them,
mainly events kind of projects.. which is what I'm looking for..
Well, if I'm looking at both in the most positive manner,
that scenario would be receiving a job offer from both parties..
Then the question to follow will be.. which should I choose?
To remain in HDB,
for the love of the culture, people and environment,
or to hop to PA,
for a fresh new change and the optimism for it to be a better place than HDB?
Mm.. Honestly, I don't know.
I'll just see how as I go along..
So wish me luck people :)
Shall end off with this random picture..
Rmb I had mentioned about helping B with assembling his sofa?
Well, I had a tough time stuffing the cushions inside the covers.

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