Life is really on a roll right now :)
There are so many things happening,
and I was thinking it would be such a pity if I don't blog about em now.
Jiaxin and Yenlin are busily preparing for the big wedding now!
It's so fun to chip in some of my own ideas as well :D
Hopefully the Hen's Night will be great fun,
and that we will have a lovely memorable wedding for our dearest girlfriend :)
Hope my chinese speaking skills won't fail me on the actual day though!
Very much looking forward to being a bridesmaid cuz it's my very first time :D
It's truly amazing to witness how far friends are willing to go to help a pal.
The amount of effort I feel from Jiaxin in planning for the wedding really touched me.
And I'm happy to say that I stand corrected,
to know that there are friendships which will always be rock solid. :)
Saw on FB that a friend got married (also HS's friend! so coincidental)
Plus, he married an ex-school mate of mine somemore!
It is really a small world afterall *sings :D
Was really surprised cuz there wasn't any news on it at all,
then suddenly his wedding photos just appeared on FB! :D
So I only got to congratulate him after his wedding.
Really happy and emotional that so many of my pals are getting married.
A scroll down my FB updates today showed me photos of 4 different weddings,
be it friends attended other ppls' weddings, or it's friends' weddings.
We're all at the age of marrying already..
Time really flies.
Now I really hope that my girl pal can find her knight in shining amour soon :)
I've been keeping her in my thoughts,
and really hope very much her special one will appear soon.
Other than this big wedding,
I'm also in the midst of preparing for B's bday celebration
It's this Friday!!!!
Luckily the food fare is simple (bbq),
and that the number of invitees is small (quota given by yacht company is 10)
But I won't have minded if they had allowed 20 ppl,
cuz there are ppl whom B & I really wanted to invite as well.
Hmm.. but the yacht company isn't even willing to let an 11th person up.
Oh wells, I hope the weather would be great for us to get out to the sea!
And guess what, his friends are really fantastic pals as well.
1 couple and 1 pal took leave from their work on Friday just so they can be present at 6pm.
I feel truly amazed, humbled and blessed to have experienced how friendships work wonders :))
As I'm counting my blessings tonight,
I thought it's apt to share this as well :)
It's a simple designed ring;
yet it reflects our relationship perfectly :)
I really think this year has been really kind to me.
All the wishes I set for this year are all coming true.
I became closer to my parents and got to shower them with more attention,
my friendships grew stronger and I made new good friends,
I found work that is much more fulfilling and suitable.
And to be showered with much love from my special someone :)
Can anyone be any one more blessed than this? :)
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