2010 came, and it whizzed past.
It has been a tumultuous year,
but it has taught me many life lessons,
many more as compared to the past few years.
Mm.. I'm thinking that I don't want this to become another ranting post..
So I shall post new year resolutions instead.
Resolutions give me a sense of hope,
just hoping they aren't overly optimistic bubbles I entrap myself in.
Resolution 1: Work-related
To seek a career that gives me the sense of satisfaction I crave for.
Paycheck is important, but it isn't everything.
When one door closes, it may not be just another door opening.
It may be many doors opening.
Having learnt my lesson,
I will only settle for a job after careful consideration,
instead of jumping unto the next life buoy that life throws me.
I want to build a career, I don't want just any other job.
Resolution 2: Family-related
To try to be a better daughter.
The above sounds vague, cuz I'm not even that sure how to go about to achieve it.
The thing about growing up is that,
you get more responsibilities and issues in life.
These issues tend to throw life off its equilibrium,
cuz these issues all tend to oppose to each other,
or each demand more of your time and effort than the other.
But balance / compromise has to be drawn somewhere.
But how do I go about doing it?
How much is little?
How much is enough?
I'm still in the midst of finding out.
Whatever it may be,
I think I'd make an effort to notice more of the small things.
Like helping out when I can,
chatting my family people up more etc.
Resolution 3: Love-related
I may not be the hardest girl to please,
but I'm perhaps not the easiest girl around to please either.
Temperamental - that is my weakness which I've known all along.
I can be all chirpy and happy one moment,
yet all upset and bitchy the next when something stepped on my tail.
The one who tends to have to bear the brunt would be the boy.
It's not fair - I know.
But being the person I'm closest to,
I'd definitely turn to him for all things good,
and all things bad.
Maybe I'd do myself and him a favor,
by learning how to manage my own emotions better.
Resolution 4: Friends-related
Friendships with people have dwindled quite a bit..
ever since graduation.
I mean, I got to know new friends through work..
But "old" friendships are important too..
My uni friends are mostly busy with their own work now too.
Now, gatherings are more precious than ever.
And this is the time you know who are the friends who will walk with you thru the years.
In this coming year,
I'll make an effort to meet up with friends more.
Those who smsed me a simple hello,
I would make the effort to meet up and have a proper catch-up.
Resolution 5: Myself
I think "nervous" and "unsettled" are the words to describe how I've been in this year.
Well, on most occasions that is.
I need to let go more, to relax more, to love life more.
I need to pick up on things I used to love.
Be it dance, enjoying a book, making handicrafts.
I need to stop thinking I'm wasting time by doing these things,
for these are the things that I enjoy.
I do not only live for others,
I should start living for myself too.
Been disappointing myself,
only to lead to disappointing others cuz I'm not in the right frame of mind and state.
The only way to stop feeling tired all the time,
is to start living the life I love.
(not at the expense of others of course)
This is the most important lesson I've learnt :)
Okays! Having done my resolutions,
I shall squeeze in some details on how I spent my New Year's Eve :)
the boy had wanted to go for countdown on xmas,
but I didn't want to cuz I wasn't well.
So I told him then that we could go for New Year's countdown.
Alas, as I was fretting over an important work task since last week,
I hadn't slept well in the past 3 days.
I hadn't slept well in the past 3 days.
Even had a horrible headache yday noon.
But I know he kind of wants to go,
and also I think he is making the effort to break the monotony of our activities,
so I went ahead with it.
So I took a short nap at home before meeting him at 5pm.
Had dinner at Marina's Waraku!

After dinner, we proceeded to queue to get inside the Marina Floating Platform
the view of Singapore over there is really fantastic!
Esp with all the wish balls floating on the water :)

The whole concert was pretty good..
Initially I thought the concert will be too long,
cuz it starts at 7.30pm, and lasts all the way till 12am
But it really didnt feel that long (:
Plus the part of having Tao Ze really made the whole atmosphere very festive and high.
Pictures time!

The whole event was fab,
Just that the going home was such a dread.
Anyway, Happy New Year all!!! =D
Hope everyone had enjoyed NYE, no matter how you spent it (:
As long as one is surrounded by loved ones,
NYE has been spent as a fruitful and meaningful one (:
May 2011 bring about more happiness, joy and laughter for all,
and less of unhappiness, sorrow and frowns!
To kickstart things,
I'm looking forward to a big family dinner later (:
My aunt and family came back from Canada for a visit
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